Entrepreneurs take a lot of risks when they start a new business. The company could fail, leaving them with big debts they have no way of paying. A product could have issues that cause customer injuries, or an employee could file a lawsuit over alleged discrimination,...
Should a home inspection be a part of your contract?
If you’re looking into buying a new home, one of the things you should always do is have an inspection of the property. When the number of homes on the market is low or you feel rushed to buy, you might be tempted to waive this inspection, but it is not a good idea to...
What should you look out for in a commercial lease agreement?
A commercial real estate contract allows the business to have a formal relationship with the property owner. However, before getting into the contract, it is essential to understand the provisions therein. Like any legally-binding agreement, a commercial lease...
Estate planning is for younger adults too
Much of the estate planning process centers around making plans should you become incapacitated. While this is certainly something elderly people need to consider, it may also apply to younger adults. Estate planning instruments cover various bases which are as...
Can you prove that a seller knew about a home defect?
Despite urban legends implying the opposite, the person selling you a house does not have to tell you that they believe there are poltergeists inhabiting the property. However, they do have to tell you about known defects with the property that will affect its value...
Is charitable giving a part of your estate plan?
You drafted a will a year ago and it takes into account your spouse, children and other family members. You’ve even considered your closest friends. The people that matter to you most will be secure, no matter what happens in the future. However, a large part of your...
2 things to consider when naming someone to execute your estate
Finding the right person to execute your estate is not always easy, as you generally have no idea when that time will come. If you know you only have months to live, there are fewer uncertainties to consider. Otherwise, you just need to make the best guess you can....
Business succession planning starts now
If you're considering a business succession plan, it means that you have another person that you'd like to pass your business onto. This is likely one of your heirs and a direct relative. But there are also cases where a business owner gives the company to an employee...
A trust could save your estate a lot of money
When making your estate plans, the size of your estate is an important consideration you need to have at the back of your mind. It determines the amount of taxes that will apply to your estate. California does not impose estate taxes before an estate is distributed to...
How does estate planning help your family?
You’re unlikely to relish talking to your family about what happens should you become incapacitated. They are unlikely to look forward to this conversation either. However, it is a conversation that you all should certainly have. The benefits of estate planning far...